How to Protect Your Android Device from Badbox Malware

By Roze 7 Min Read
Badbox malware discovered on Android

Thousands of Android devices, particularly low-cost smartphones, tablets, and connected TV boxes, have been attacked by the new threat known as Badbox malware. This virus is pre-installed on these devices and is capable of carrying out a number of harmful tasks, including installing further malicious code, using proxy services, creating phoney email and messaging accounts, and engaging in ad fraud. This post will describe the Badbox malware, how it operates, and how to fortify your Android device against it.

What is Badbox Malware?

Badbox malware is a cybercriminal operation that was discovered by Human Security, a cybersecurity firm. The operation is based out of China and sells off-brand Android devices on popular online retailers and resale sites.

These devices come preloaded with a known malware called Triada, which is a backdoor that allows remote access and control of the device. Once the device is turned on or plugged in, Triada contacts a command-and-control server and downloads several modules of fraud on the device.

One of these modules is Peachpit, which is an ad fraud scheme that serves low-quality ads for apps that contain malicious code. Peachpit also uses the device’s resources to generate fake clicks and impressions on these ads, earning revenue for the fraudsters.

Other modules of Badbox malware can use the device as a residential proxy service, which means that the device’s IP address can be used by other malicious actors to hide their identity and location.

Badbox malware can also create fake email and messaging accounts using the device’s phone number and contacts, which can be used for spamming or phishing purposes.

Over 200 different brands of Android TV devices may have malware on them, according to researchers. The malware, known as Badbox and Peachpit, can make backdoors on the devices, giving attackers access to sensitive data on the user’s home network and allowing them to take control of the device:

How to Detect Badbox Malware?

Badbox malware is difficult to detect because it operates in the background and does not show any obvious signs of infection. However, there are some indicators that can help you identify if your device is compromised by Badbox malware. These include:

  • Your device becomes slower or overheats due to high CPU usage.
  • Your battery drains faster than usual or your device shuts down unexpectedly.
  • You notice unusual network activity or data usage on your device.
  • You see ads for low-quality apps or games that you did not install or request.
  • You receive messages or emails from unknown senders or contacts that ask you to click on suspicious links or download attachments.
  • You find apps or settings on your device that you did not install or change.

If you notice any of these signs, you should scan your device with a reputable antivirus app and remove any suspicious apps or files.

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How to Prevent Badbox Malware?

The easiest approach to protect against Badbox infection is to stay away from purchasing inexpensive Android devices from unreliable or shady retailers. Before making a purchase, you should always read the reviews and ratings of the seller and the product.

By looking up the model number, firmware version, and security patch level of the device, you may also confirm its legitimacy and security. Maintaining your device’s software and security fixes up to date is another strategy to thwart Badbox malware.

A built-in security function called Google Play Protect that checks your device for dangerous apps and alerts you before installing them is something else you ought to enable. Additionally, you ought to refrain from downloading software from unreliable websites and from opening links or attachments that come from shady senders.

Finally, you should routinely back up your data and secure your device with a strong password or biometric authentication. When using public Wi-Fi networks, you should also utilize a VPN service and encrypt your data.

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A brand-new and severe threat called Badbox malware has infected thousands of Android smartphones worldwide. On inexpensive Android handsets, this malware is pre-installed and capable of a number of nefarious tasks, including ad fraud, proxy services, the creation of false email and messaging accounts, and the installation of other malicious code.

Avoid purchasing low-cost Android devices from unidentified or suspect vendors. Keep your device updated with the most recent software and security patches. Enable Google Play Protect. Regularly back up your data. Lock your device with a strong password or biometric authentication. You can protect your Android device and your personal data by following these instructions.

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